Dr. Jonathan Borkum
Dr. Borkum is a licensed psychologist with twenty years of experience in the treatment of pain and headaches. He earned a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Maine, where he continues as a faculty associate. He has also taught the unit on pain in a postdoctoral program at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology in Boston. His peer-reviewed book on pain and headaches (Chronic Headaches: Biology, Psychology, and Behavioral Treatment) has been published by Taylor and Francis and has been added to academic libraries throughout the world.
He also reviews manuscripts submitted to the journals Headache and Cephalalgia, and the Clinical Journal of Pain, has contributed chapters to the textbooks Refractory Migraine: Mechanisms and Management, Handbook of Complex Occupational Disability Claims, Head, Face, and Neck Pain: Science, Evaluation, and Management, and the Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Psychologists and has written journal articles on the biology and psychology of chronic pain.
Click here to read a Boston Globe article about Dr. Borkum’s research.