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Regenerative Medicine at Northeast Pain Management

regenerative medicineRegenerative medicine therapies take advantage of a body’s ability to heal itself. Adult Stem Cell treatment and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy are minimally invasive, non-surgical treatments that can provide long-lasting relief from pain and in some cases help avoid surgery!

The doctors at NPM believe we are your go-to choice for regenerative medicine for one reason: we are the best, which means you will get the most out of your treatment.

We are experts in using fluoroscopy or ultrasound to inject medicine where needed; we do that every day. Consider also that not all PRP or stem cell therapies are the same. We have the highest quality equipment to give you concentrated PRP or stem cells. The result: what you need in the right place. Our goal is to “Set the Standard” in all we do. We believe we are your best choice for regenerative medicine. Learn more. Contact our office for a consultation.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

PRP is a concentrated solution of blood product containing platelets, growth factors, and other cells that play a role in the body’s natural ability to heal.

A blood sample is obtained from the patient and then immediately processed in a special machine that separates the blood into many components.

The components comprising the PRP are then injected into the joint, tendon, or other target area using the guidance of an ultrasound or fluoroscopy machine.

What is Adult Stem Cell Treatment?

Stem cells are the only cells in the human body that can transform themselves into other specialized cells. This gives them tremendous healing potential.

Through a simple process, stem cells are obtained from the pelvic (hip) bone. They are then processed and immediately injected into the joint, tendon, or other target area using the guidance of an ultrasound or fluoroscopy machine.

Are all PRP and Adult Stem Cell Treatments the same?

No! There are a number of PRP and Adult Stem Cell processing systems commercially available today. The end products have been shown to vary significantly, which could affect the quality of clinical outcomes. Here at Northeast Pain Management we utilize the best technology available on today’s market.

Will My Insurance Cover this Procedure?

While regenerative medicine has been used for many years, it is a relatively new medical development. As such, most insurance companies do not cover these therapies at this time.

Want to Learn More?

Call to schedule a Regenerative Medicine consultation at Northeast Pain Management today!

Northeast Pain Management

1365 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
Ph: (207) 942-6226 | Fax: (207) 992-2756


Proudly Caring for Veterans

(207) 942-6226

1365 Broadway
Bangor, ME 04401

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